Our main goal at High Point is to learn to be like Jesus.  We meet together on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm and have a Bible lesson, game time, and snacks.  Since it is our mid week children's activity, we hope that it can be a "high point" in their week.  We encourage children to bring friends, and visitors are always welcome!

We are here to provide a fun/safe place for your fourth to sixth grade student to learn about Jesus Christ while challenging them to bring those lessons to life.  Come and join us each Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30pm and we’ll get to know each other through some laughs, snacks, games and a Bible study.  Can’t wait to see you soon!

CREW 456




Impact's mission is simple:  We want to impact our world for Jesus Christ!  This group of teens meets every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm at the church.  Each week, we enjoy food, games, music, Bible study and much more!  We go on mission trips, have campfires, do service projects in our community, have pool parties, and go on scavenger hunts among other exciting things.  We would love to have you join us!